
We focus not only on economic success, but also on long-term ecological goals.


As a medium-sized company, we consider it our duty to contribute to climate protection. We aim to be climate neutral by 2030. We have formulated climate protection goals and calculate our CO2 footprint (Corporate Carbon Footprint). This allows us to identify the largest sources of emissions from our internal processes as well as upstream and downstream activities. We see where greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced and continuously work to measurably decrease our output. Calculating the Corporate Carbon Footprint is a prerequisite for this.

We contribute to SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action).


Corporate Carbon Footprint

With the Corporate Carbon Footprint, we capture all direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from Silver Atena, following the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This protocol divides the emissions into three scopes:

Scope1: Direct THG Emissions

  • Vehicle fleet
  • Stationary combustion
  • Volatile emissions

Scope2: Indirect THG Emissions

  • Purchased power
  • Purchased district heating

Scope3: Other indirect THG Emissions

  • Waste and disposal
  • Business trips
  • Journeys of employees
  • Emissions from purchased products and services
  • Inbound and  outbound logistics
  • Disposal of sold products

59% of trips between home and work could be reduced

Since 2019, we have been calculating our Corporate Carbon Footprint, taking into account emissions from upstream and downstream activities. We use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the ISO 14064 standard as supporting documents for the calculation.


In comparison to our baseline year, we achieved significant reductions in emissions in the categories of business travel and employee commutes.

Further developments:

  • Business travel emissions were reduced by approximately 93 percent, as online meetings often replaced business trips.
  • Emissions from employee commutes decreased by nearly one-third, as remote work was more heavily utilized.
  • Due to site expansions and growth, emissions from stationary combustion and district heating increased, and volatile emissions increased sixfold due to the acquisition of additional climate chambers or temperature control devices for product testing. With the start of production, emissions from waste and disposal increased significantly.


To save greenhouse gas emissions

To save greenhouse gas emissions, Silver Atena is focusing on reducing emissions in the categories of fleet, electricity consumption, waste reduction, and disposal. There is significant potential in reducing employee commutes and business trips.

Fleet: Our fleet includes vehicles with conventional, hybrid, and electric propulsion. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we are acquiring more vehicles with non-fossil propulsion.

Electricity: We source electricity from renewable sources at almost all locations. By 2025, all our sites should be using green energy.

Waste disposal and paper reduction: Our waste disposal concept considers all types of waste and follows the rules of the Commercial Waste Ordinance. Our locations use sustainable, 100% climate-neutral printer paper.

Employee commutes: To reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by our employees' commutes, we offer job bikes. Employees can lease a bicycle cheaply through our company. We also encourage commuting by public transport through subsidies. This is not only climate and environmentally friendly but also promotes health.

Business trips: Silver Atena aims to continue minimizing on-site visits and conduct conferences via video to reduce business trips.